Building Nitric providers using Pulumi

If you're not already familiar with the basics of Nitric providers, a detailed overview on how Nitric providers work under the hood can be found here.

Nitric's providers are simple programs that implement a plugin interface backed by gRPC. A Nitric provider is a simple server that will be started by the Nitric CLI at deploy time and will be provided with a cloud specification to deploy any way the provider sees fit.

nitric pulumi diagram

Although Nitric providers can be developed using any language, we'd recommend using Go due to the availability of pre-existing Nitric Pulumi custom resources and generated protobuf contracts in the Nitric core repository.

This code provides a simple gRPC deployment server with references to the Pulumi Automation API. It can be used to get started with deploying infrastructure through Pulumi.

type DeployServer struct {

func (d *DeployServer) Up(request *deploy.DeployUpRequest, stream deploy.DeployService_UpServer) error {
    // Nitric provides details such as stack and project name on the request, but you're free to change these up to suit your needs
    pulumiStack, err := auto.UpsertStackInlineSource(context.TODO(), "<your_stack_name>", "<you_stack_project>", func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
        // 👇 Your pulumi program goes here...
        for _, res := range request.Spec.Resources {
            // Requested resources are provided as part of the deployment request

    if err != nil {
      return err

    res, err := pulumiStack.Up(context.TODO(), optup.ProgressStreams(messageWriter))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // send final results
    // err = stream.Send(...)

    return err

func (d *DeployServer) Down(request *deploy.DeployDownRequest, stream deploy.DeployService_DownServer) error {
    // Nitric provides details such as stack and project name on the request, but you're free to change these up to suit your needs
    s, err := auto.UpsertStackInlineSource(context.TODO(), "<your_stack_name>", "<your_project_name>", nil)
  if err != nil {
    return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())

  // destroy the stack
  _, err = s.Destroy(context.TODO(), optdestroy.ProgressStreams(dsMessageWriter))
  if err != nil {
    return err

For complete example implementations check out our AWS, GCP and Azure providers in the Nitric GitHub repository.

Let us know on our GitHub discussions or through our Discord if you are interested in seeing more work in this space, including the creation of CDKs that can simplify the process of scaffolding and building Nitric providers.